Privacity Politicy

  1. Data Controller The data controller is the person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data. In other words, the controller decides how and for what purposes personal data are processed.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the Data Controller of the personal data is:

Name: KUBIK SIDE S.L. CIF: B-02642932 Postal address: Plaza Santa María Soledad Torres Acosta, number 2, 5th floor, 28004, Madrid, Spain. Email:

Hereinafter, "Application Owner" or "Data Controller."

  1. Purpose of the Privacy Policy The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about the rules governing the processing of personal data provided to the Owner through the mobile application "KUBIK" (hereinafter "the Application" or "App").

Through this Privacy Policy, our intention is to inform users about the collection and processing of personal data carried out by the App's controller, the purposes for which we use the data, and the ways in which such data are managed, in strict compliance with the principle of transparency pursuant to Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights ("LOPDGDD"), as well as the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("GDPR").

  1. Purpose of processing personal data The data you provide to the Data Controller have the following purposes:

To manage your request and the provision of services provided through the Website; Those activities related to the corporate purpose of the data controller; To send you information by any means, including email and/or equivalent means, about appropriate and personalized services that you request at any time; If you provide your explicit consent, the personal data you provide may be used for commercial, promotional, and/or marketing actions, to send you information by any electronic communication means about sweepstakes, offers, and advertising campaigns of products of the Owner or suppliers and/or collaborators in the following sectors: transportation, sports, insurance, real estate services, automotive, travel, and financial services with which the Controller has reached a promotion agreement. In any case, the legal basis for processing your personal data will be the legitimate interest of the controller, as well as, where appropriate, the consent provided by the user for the processing of their personal data for the purposes indicated above.

  1. User Consent Kubik uses payments through Stripe, which requests information about the user's phone number and information about other applications installed on the device to ensure the success and security of transactions.

The submission of data through your registration in our forms, by email, or other means, voluntarily provides us with your information. This information may include your name, comments, opinions, email address, or phone number.

The User guarantees that the personal data provided to the Data Controller are truthful and is responsible for communicating any modifications thereof, being responsible for any false or inaccurate information provided and for the damages caused to the Data Controller.

Regarding information sent by minors, it is essential that the sender has obtained prior parental, guardian, or legal representative consent for the personal data to be subject to automated processing.

  1. Data Transmission To fulfill the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, it is necessary to share your personal data with third-party entities (recipients) in the following cases:

You have provided your explicit consent for one or more specific purposes according to art. 6.1.a) GDPR. The disclosure according to art. 6.1.f) GDPR is necessary for the assertion, exercise, or defense of legal claims. There is a legal obligation for disclosure according to art. 6.1.c) GDPR. It is legally permissible and necessary to comply with contractual obligations according to art. 6.1.b) GDPR. In cases where the Data Controller contracts third-party services, your personal data may be processed by a data processor.

No transfer of your personal data will occur for purposes other than those listed above.

Notwithstanding the above, we inform you that the mentioned entities are located in the European Economic Area, so the transfer of personal data will be under a secure level of data protection, guaranteeing their confidentiality.

  1. User Rights The User may revoke the consent provided and exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, portability, and deletion of their personal data under the terms and conditions provided in the current personal data protection regulations.

For your convenience, you may exercise the aforementioned rights by contacting KUBIK SIDE S.L., Plaza Santa María Soledad Torres Acosta, number 2, 5th floor, 28004, Madrid, Spain, or by email at:

Furthermore, users are informed of their right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( if they consider their rights have been violated.

  1. Data Retention The Data Controller will only retain and process the Users' data as long as the purposes for which they were collected remain and, in any case, until the legally established deadlines expire.

The data processing for sending informative communications will be carried out as long as the User does not revoke their consent and while the purposes for which the personal data were collected remain unchanged.

Subsequently, the personal data will be blocked and will remain available exclusively to judges and courts, the Public Prosecutor's Office, or the competent authorities for the enforcement of potential responsibilities arising from the processing, during the limitation period of such liabilities. After this period, the Data Controller will proceed to delete the data.

  1. We also receive technical information when you use our services Currently, when using a website, a mobile application, or another internet service, certain types of information are almost always created and recorded automatically.

Here is some information that we collect when you use the services offered by KUBIK through its platform or website:

Log data: When you browse our website or use our App, our servers automatically record information ("log data"), including the data sent by your browser every time you visit a site or App. This log data may include your Internet Protocol address, the addresses of the web pages you have visited that contained App content, the browser type and settings, the date and time of the request, how you used the website, and data contained in cookies. Cookie data: Depending on how you access our products, we may use cookies ("a small text file sent to your computer every time you visit our site or App"), or similar technology to store log data. When we use cookies, they may be "session" cookies (active until the browser is closed) or "persistent" cookies (active until you or the browser delete them). For example, we may use cookies to store your language preferences or other settings so you don't have to configure them every time you visit the website. Device information: In addition to recording data, we may also collect information about the device you use to access Kubik's services, such as type, settings, unique identifier, operating system, or crash data. The collection of this type of information often depends on the type of device you use and its settings. The information is different if you use a Mac, PC, iPhone, or Android phone. To know the type of information your device sends us, you can check the policies of the device manufacturer or software provider. 8. Security The Data Controller adopts the security levels required by the current data protection regulations at all times, i.e., the necessary measures to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, or access to personal data, taking into account the state of technology at all times. Notwithstanding the foregoing, security measures on the internet are not impregnable, and there may be leaks due to malicious actions by third parties.

Regarding any questions or controversies related to our data privacy policy, you can contact us at any of the postal or email addresses indicated in the identification section of the data controllers.

  1. Privacy Policy Modifications The Data Controller may periodically change this policy, in which case we will publish such changes on this App and through the Website. Continuing to browse the App after the changes take effect will be understood as your acceptance of the modified policy. If the changes are significant, we will notify you more prominently or request your consent, as required by law.

  2. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction This App and the conditions contained in this Privacy Policy are governed by Spanish law. For any litigation or conflict arising from or related to access and use of the App, or interpretation and compliance with the mentioned conditions, the parties submit to the jurisdiction and competence of the courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid.

Last modified: December 23, 2021.